WTS - 5,3 mil SP (425k unallocated) good core skills

I’m for sale


425,000 sp unallocated
All CCP rules apply
Positive wallet
Positve sec status
1 remap

start bid - 3bil
BO - make one

Still for sale

Still for sale

Still for sale

Still for sale

Ill buy for 4 bil

Send isk and account and I will make the transfer

Sorry I have just bought a char so I dont have the isk now

No worries, would have sold him for 3 :slight_smile:

If he is still for sale tomorrow I will buy it for 3 bil tomorrow (it is payday so I can buy some plex) :grin:

lol, sure thing

Awsome I’ll contact you tomorrow

Is the offer still on the table

Yep, sure is

Isk sent

Transfer started. I see you spent almost as much time making account names as I do making character names… haha. Enjoy

:grin::grin: indeed

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