WTS 5.5 mil SP 4.0B b/o


Located in Jita 4-4
Wallet is green
Sec Status is positive
1 remap available.

Looking to sell, priced at 4.0 B buyout.

Ready to go!
Thank you!

I’ll start you out at 3B

3.5b offer

3.75B offer

Ella Goose, I will take that offer.

Please send isk and evemail me the account details and I will begin the transfer

Awesome! I will send isk and account info once I’m done with work, approx 5 hours until isk will be transferred.

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Will be online in approx 4 hours (2000 Eastern).

Account info and isk has been sent!

Isk and details recd, request for transfer initiated.

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Still waiting for CCP to respond to support ticket. Ticket number is #776679.

Sounds good, thanks for keeping me updated!

I am really sorry, I am trying not to bump the ticket as the last CSM confirmed if you add a reply it goes to the bottom of the pile :slight_smile:

No that’s fine, they’ll get to it I’m a patient person :stuck_out_tongue:

Transfer confirmed by GM Sirius (ALL HAIL SIRIUS!)

Hi there, GM Sirius here.

Thank you for contacting EVE Player Experience. I do apologise for the delay on the response. I have now removed 1000 PLEX from your Vault and transferred the requested character to the desired account.

If there is anything else I may assist you with, please let me know.

Best Regards,
GM Sirius
CCP Player Experience | EVE Online | EVE Valkyrie

Thank you for your patience!

Character received thank you!

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