WTS 5 mil SP extracted character Cybernetics 5, genolution core set

I am for sale

Positive Wallet
Positive sec status
All ccp rules apply
I will pay transfer

BO 4 bil

Still for sale

Will you take 3 bil?

Sadly no.

Ok, 4 bil you pay transfer ?

Looking through the toon again real quick

Ok man, I’ll pay the 4 bil buy out. Deal?

yep, send isk and account in evemail and I will start the transfer. The geno set is worth more than a bil, so its a steal.

1sr time buyer, do I send the isk ( 4 bil ) to wily whartog?

yep, and in the evemail put the account I need to send it to. Once done, delete the evemail and remove it from trash. Or you can just convo me as I am on now and give me the account name that way.

Isk has been transferred for purchase of this character.

Character transfer started, and if you interested the name was inspired form Pumba the wharhog in Timon and Pumba :smiley:

Have to look it up lol thanks again

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