[WTS] 5M Abyss Starter Pilot


Magic 14 for Alpha Completed
Ready for Gila in Tier 3+ Abyssals

Positive Wallet
Never Killed
No Implants
No Kill Rights
No Jump Clones
NPC Corp - Never joined any Corp

Located in Jita.

I made this char to do Abyssals as an Alpha char in a Gila, and has no wasted skill points.

I would like to sell by Saturday, highest offer takes it.

Reserve: 4B
Buyout: 6B

4b B/O from me.
I 'ld like it by the end of the day.

I would like at least 5. End of the day isn’t going to happen either way.

1 Like

Offer retracted.


5b B/O!

If there is no higher offer by tomorrow, I’ll be all yours :wink:

Send me the info and I’ll start the xfer.

ISK & Account Details sent!
