WTS 5mil SP research /invention char // HG crystals

Has multiple research agents generating RP and data cores.
Has been extracted but the science/T2 invention skills remain.

Positive isk
Located in highsec
No kill rights
NPC Corp
No assets to speak of

Current clone is full of +5s (minus charisma)
Also has Zainou ‘Beancounter’ Reprocessing RX-804

Jump clone has full set of High grade crystal implants plus other expensive implants.

Tons of LP scattered around Eve.


Asking 4.0b due to value of the HG crystal implants

@zarateng I’ll offer 4 Bill for this Character who to send to?

Send isk to me and also send account you would like to transfer to.


2020.06.19 23:56 Player Donation -4,000,000,000 ISK [r] Scarlett Killer deposited cash into zarateng’s account

Sent wrong account to you, gave you the new one in-game. Hopefully transfer has not been started yet. Not the end of the world if it has.

Transfer started to corrected account name.

@zarateng Thanks, got an ETA when the transfer will be completed by?

Ignore this they send emails now.

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