WTS: 60 Mil SP Nyx Pilot

Password is hamlet

  • In NPC corp
  • Positive Wallet
  • No Kill rights
  • Remap ready + 2x bonus remaps
  • Positive security status
  • Has Interbus + Guardian’s Gala skin for Nyx

High Grade Slaves (In Jita)(Current)
High Grade Crystal (In NPC Lowsec)
Genolution Set (In NPC Lowsec)

Starting bid: 48b
Minimum bid: 1b
B/O: 60b

I’ll leave this up for a few days. All bids or b/os posted here. Easiest to in game mail me for questions.

Eveboard password?

Just updated. Thanks

48b First Bid

60 b/o bil, isk rdy


B/o accepted. Send account name and isk when you’re ready. I’ll start the transfer right away.

Isk and acc info send.

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Loyal Soldier

Will be completed after: 8/3/2017 12:22:28 AM

Please confirm character transfer was received.