Can fly Blops and Marauders from Caldari/Amarr
T2 large weapons for all races plus Ishtar
plus Moros
Start: 60b
Buyout: 75b
in Jita
positive isk
NPC corp
no killright
Can fly Blops and Marauders from Caldari/Amarr
T2 large weapons for all races plus Ishtar
plus Moros
Start: 60b
Buyout: 75b
in Jita
positive isk
NPC corp
no killright
61b offer
60b offer
Highest offer currently 61b, thankyou
Will let run until tomorrow
62b offer
63b offer
64 bil
65b offer
65bil highest bid so far, thankyou
Will end it at 1500 Eve time to give US tz a chance today
@Kokka_Mal Offer accepted, thankyou
Please send ISK and account name to this toon
Are you ready to pay if I accept yours instead?
Still available after time waster
65bil buyout
sent you isk right now is ok?
Yes no problem
Account name too please
isk sent
Send me an Eve mail with your account name please
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