Born 23.02.2004
She has a positive wallet balance.
Security standing: 5.00
Jane is located in Jita at the 4-4 station
All CCP Rules Apply.
I’ll pay transfer fee.
ISK goes to this character.
Start 50 BIL
Fast B/O 75 BIL
Born 23.02.2004
She has a positive wallet balance.
Security standing: 5.00
Jane is located in Jita at the 4-4 station
All CCP Rules Apply.
I’ll pay transfer fee.
ISK goes to this character.
Start 50 BIL
Fast B/O 75 BIL
Can you please drop a link to the skills?
lets get started 50 bil !
51b offer
how about 60 bil now? and I’m doing a pilot transfer now
52 bil offer
55 bil and its a deal
58B offer
bro add 2 bil and go
Deal. Gimme a few minutes.
Isk sent and account ID sent to toon.
transfer start
Toon received. o7
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