Please transfer ISKs and account info to the chosen toon
I’ll take all 5 for 30B. I see the 4 toons at the top. Could you please send me a link for the 5th toon?
Send 6B to each toon and the account to transfer to?
Hello! I am for sale.
Hello! I am for sale.
Added to the post.
You could transfer ISKs and account info to the any toon which you want.
Exclude Nukza, she’s booked by @Deadspin.
Everything has been sent to Thutell. Thank you!
Thank you! Transfer initiated. Please wait for delay.
Sorry for delay, isk and account info sent.
Thank you! Transfer initiated. Please wait for delay.
Transfer initiated, but there were some technical issues and i wrote to support to fix it. Don’t worry about and transfer will complete as soon as possible. Sorry for delay.
Any updates??
Not yet. I’ll be in touch.
452 posts in a character sale thread?
That’s got to be a record.
It’s been 4 days. Any updates? Thank you.
Still awaiting response from support. Don’t worry, transfer will complete.
Thanks - I was just checking.
It’s been over a week now and I realize that things may be a little outside your control. I’m sure you’re doing your best but how about a little rebate - say 0.25B per character? You’ll still be getting 5.75B each (which is a good price) and I’ll be getting a little something (1.25B) for my time and the waiting period. Thank you.
Sorry for delay, but technical support didn’t answered yet. I raised second issue. Please wait.
PS: You’'ve been warned about delays and all discounts already included.
You offered that price before so in light off these delays, It seemed like it was appropriate to ask. As a business yourselff, I’m sure you can understand that. We’ve done business before and may very well again in the future.