Jump Drive Calibration Level 5
Minmatar Dreadnought Level 5
+5 Learning Clone
Remap available
Positive wallet
No kill rights
Npc corp
Located in high sec
75B willing to negotiate
Jump Drive Calibration Level 5
Minmatar Dreadnought Level 5
+5 Learning Clone
Remap available
Positive wallet
No kill rights
Npc corp
Located in high sec
75B willing to negotiate
50 Bil as a start
55 bil
56 Bil
Bump Bump
60 bil
Thanks for the offer, Daily Bump.
Offer no longer valid
Are you willing to do 68mil?
I won’t be able to, I got another 3 characters I am bidding on. Although it is a good price and character, to many better options are out there for me.
I will do 68 if response is soon
70 billion ISK
Bid accepted titan 70b B/O
ISK sent
Isk received and transfer is Pending:
We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.
Character Name: MEX LINUX
Will be completed after: 3/31/2019 7:06:03 AM
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