WTS - 75m/1.1m unallocated - PvP toon

shows me still in a corp, but I am in a NPC corp as of a few minutes ago.

isk - positive
No kill rights.
Located in Jita.
In a mid-grade amulet pod - no others.

Near perfect dictor/hictor pilot for multiple races.
Marauder 5 - specialized into Paladin.
Perfect set up to skill into Amarr dread toon. Only needs the capital skills.
Used as hunter/cyno for myself in the past, and trained into black ops.
Skill into missiles and you’re a perfect tengu pilot as well.

65b b/o

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Would like to see your info from QNSA. If everything good, I could offer 65B/O.

Never heard of this, but here you go. Still shows former corp because I hadn’t logged in apparently. You can info me in game and see I’m in NPC or refresh after a bit.

Thank you. Need some Heavy Assault Cruisers Skills. But this is a good Toon. Would you accpet 62b?

I will accept that.
I cannot transfer until tomorrow evening USTZ, when I return home FYI.

Not a problem to me. I will trasfer ISK and EVE-mail you now.

ISK trasferred and EVE-mail sent. Please let me know when you start. Just take your time.

Transfer initiated.

Enjoy o7

Character received. TY4T.