eveboard - character sheets 17
positve high sec standing
Remaps 3
No offer under 70 bil
All maxed
Jump Drive Calibration / Rank 9 / Level: 5 / SP: 2,304,000 of 2,304,000 Level 5
Jump Drive Operation / Rank 5 / Level: 5 / SP: 1,280,000 of 1,280,000 Level 5
Jump Fuel Conservation / Rank 8 / Level: 5 / SP: 2,048,000 of 2,048,000 Level 5
All maxed
Leadership / Rank 1 / Level: 5 / SP: 256,000 of 256,000 Level 5
Mining Director / Rank 5 / Level: 5 / SP: 1,280,000 of 1,280,000 Level 5
Mining Foreman / Rank 2 / Level: 5 / SP: 512,000 of 512,000 Level 5
12 Drones skills trained, for a total of 3,977,100 skillpoints.
25 Resource Processing skills trained, for a total of 6,954,093 skillpoints.
17 Science skills trained, for a total of 10,895,603 skillpoints.
Toon located in station in Jita
positive wallet
no jump clones
no kill rights
this is a re-posting due to my inability to follow directions.