Looking for an all around fantastic capital and support pilot? I’m for sale!
- Amarr/Gallente Carrier V and Caldari Carrier IV
- Perfect boosting skills - can use all T2 mindlinks
- Can fly Jump Freighter
- Excellent Fax pilot with T2 Triage
- Great drone and support skills - Can use all T2 Fighters
- Excellent PI skills with CCU V and IC V
- Excellent Social skills with Guristas faction standing at 7.19 (Burner puller, no diamond rat aggro)
- Can build supers, research, and perform well as a market toon
Wallet: Positive Wallet Balance
Kill Rights: No kill rights
Clone and Implants: Current clone is in Jita 4-4 with full set (1-5) of Improved training implants
Character Location: Home station is Jita 4-4 where character is located
Here’s my EVESkillboard: https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/General_Mao
Please note that I am in the Ministry of War corporation. EVE Skillboard may not have updated yet.
Price is 70b.