WTS 8m skill point hulk pilot

location: Bourynes 1.0
walet positiv
no kill rights
remap avelible
no implants


2 things

how much for both

you also need to have each one post in this post or an ISD will lock this down till you do

also sent an eve mail to Maniel Mahyisti

I corrected it as necessary. As for the price, counting on skill injectors, 8b is my suggestion.

Profile - Stevie_G - EVE Online Forums
charackter rdy to sell

3.5b bid

As for the other character, u need to post with that character the skillboard too

only thys charakter its for salle

3.8b offer

4B offer.

4.2b offer

5b B\O offer for 1hr

5b akcepted

we have deal Stevie G

isk sent to Maniek Maricadie

ok, i am starting the character transfer procedure

account info sent