WTS 992k SP - Nice name: Zigg - Born 2005

Currently at Ammold V
3 Bonus remaps
1 neural avail now
Sec -0.1
992k SP

Open to offers.

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No idea what’s fair price on this toon tbh. I’ll start you off at 2.5bil

Thanks Shrike we’re on the same boat, all offers taken on board.

Also just to add I haven’t been associated to anyone ever in the game since i made this character back in 2005 - obviously the value is in the name, age, history?

Shrike not rejecting or accepting your offer atm - hope that’s okay just want to give it a bit of time to give other people an opportunity to bid.

Sounds good, I’m new to this as well :slight_smile: take whatever you can get man.

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