WTS> [ Aeon + x3 Trimarks: 16.5b ] - Aunenen Keepstar

For sale at Aunenen Keepstar:

Erebus Hull + 80k Fuel / Faction Cloak: 64b - SOLD
Aeon Hull + x3 Trimark Rigs: 16.5b - Available


Still for sale! Bumpage.

Air-Bus 64 B, ISK on hand, will take contract on reply,

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12 bil for the aeon

Actually, I have another one for sale, if you’re still interested, reply back and i’ll try to get it to aunenen for you today.

12b too low for my client, price firm :stuck_out_tongue:

Contract will be up for you shortly. Willing to sell you Erebus + Rigs for the same amount.

Contract Up - Auenenen

Accepting in a few minutes, thank you

2nd Erebus sold - Thank you!

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