WTS AIR Civilian Astero SOLD



Accepting offers

There’s no such item in the game.

They magically appear on public contracts.


It’s very easy to Photoshop things like that. No such item shows up through search. It does not show on the market or ship tree either. It does not show under variations of Astero hull. Neither does the contract system turn up any of such items. I even capitalized the correct letters, though that system shouldn’t be case sensitive.

Here’s the whole contract search window to show I didn’t have any filters on:

(post deleted by author)

I know how to use min max filter on the contracts. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna go through the trouble, especially for an item I am not interested in buying anyway. My point was to illustrate the nonsense with this particular item. It’s idiotic to have an item in the game and not being able to search for it by name.

If CCP has created a ship that doesn’t show up anywhere other than in your hangar then have fun selling it.

For a ship that doesn’t exit it has made me quite a bit of ISK so far :joy::joy:

You do what you do, and I do what I do.

I never said it shouldn’t exist. Learn to read.


Good for you then. I’m not arguing against the price point.

Thank you, that means a lot :heart:

OK then.

As pointed out, I have been undercut quite tremendously, so am happy to take offers based on that.

Price updated to reflect market. 55b

its from the tutorial, which if you did the tutorial you’d know… some how people have managed to get it out of the tutorial to sell.


Thx for all the bumps

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I’m from 2009. Wasn’t in the tutorial back in 2009, not that I ever ran them.

Thanks for the info. Now I know where it comes from.

Thanks :rofl:

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