WTS avatar hull

Hi, I want to sell an avatar in Maila keepstar for 68B (New price)

Hello, Can you move it Little bit down ? Or is fixed to Maila Keepstar ?

I can offer 55 to 60 Bill depend on What is Fit on the Hull. Thanks

it’s 70 b, not below sry

Good Luck asking 70 bill for hull…

Good luck for ask this price to a seller.

Do you have any fit or rigs on ?
We can make a deal at 65 Bill i thing , but let me know what is on :slight_smile:

It’s just the hull but I know the market price.

I can offer the same price as the previous titan sold.

68B. It’s my last price.

I offer 65, you offer 68 , go to middle ( 66.5 Bill ) and I can take it today evening eve time :slight_smile:

I am sorry, I have already lowered my price for you.
My last price is 68 B.

Well is really hard make any deal with you :smiley:
I try 67 Bill :slight_smile:

OK, 69 B ?, what do you prefer?

Well if you cant go for 67 bill then keep it, i think is a reasonable offer for hull .

For me it’s 68B. After, if you want an avatar for 67b you can looking for an other seller.
It’s actually difficult to produce an avatar with a lower price.







move it to Basgerin and ill buy it