WTS Blueprints Rokh & Structure BPOs 10/20

Ametat I Blueprint - 500m
Antaeus I Blueprint - 500m
Rokh Blueprint - 4.2b
Standup M-Set Advanced Component Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprint - 300m
Standup M-Set Asteroid Ore Grading Processor I Blueprint - 300m
Standup M-Set Asteroid Ore Grading Processor I Blueprint - 300m
Standup M-Set Basic Small Ship Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprint - 300m
Standup M-Set Equipment Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprint - 300m
Standup M-Set Ice Grading Processor I Blueprint - 420m
Standup M-Set Ice Grading Processor I Blueprint - 420m

Raven or Rokh? You might need to adjust your title or your post

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Thanks! Ravens in my 10/18 post - been a bit tired lately lol

Raven Blueprint - me 10 te 18 - 2.3b
Gungnir I Blueprint - me 10 te 18 - 400m
Gungnir I Blueprint - me 10 te 18 - 400m
Mantis I Blueprint - me 10 te 18 - 400m
Malleus I Blueprint - me 10 te 18 - 400m
Termite I Blueprint - me 10 te 18 - 400m
Termite I Blueprint - me 10 te 18 - 400m

If you wish to sell several items at one time please put up one thread and do not start a new thread for each item.

You can edit the Thread Title according to the Items you wish to sell.

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Sorry boss, wll bear that in mind :slight_smile:

Still looking for buyers, offers considered! (send me an ingame mail)

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