Ametat I Blueprint - 500m
Antaeus I Blueprint - 500m
Rokh Blueprint - 4.2b
Standup M-Set Advanced Component Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprint - 300m
Standup M-Set Asteroid Ore Grading Processor I Blueprint - 300m
Standup M-Set Asteroid Ore Grading Processor I Blueprint - 300m
Standup M-Set Basic Small Ship Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprint - 300m
Standup M-Set Equipment Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprint - 300m
Standup M-Set Ice Grading Processor I Blueprint - 420m
Standup M-Set Ice Grading Processor I Blueprint - 420m
Raven or Rokh? You might need to adjust your title or your post
Thanks! Ravens in my 10/18 post - been a bit tired lately lol
Raven Blueprint - me 10 te 18 - 2.3b
Gungnir I Blueprint - me 10 te 18 - 400m
Gungnir I Blueprint - me 10 te 18 - 400m
Mantis I Blueprint - me 10 te 18 - 400m
Malleus I Blueprint - me 10 te 18 - 400m
Termite I Blueprint - me 10 te 18 - 400m
Termite I Blueprint - me 10 te 18 - 400m
If you wish to sell several items at one time please put up one thread and do not start a new thread for each item.
You can edit the Thread Title according to the Items you wish to sell.
Sorry boss, wll bear that in mind
Still looking for buyers, offers considered! (send me an ingame mail)
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