All packs contain enough BPC to build everything you see on the Ship BPC.
Do you need a Custom pack? Contact me
Titan ME10 build packs (ME10 comp) - 4,95b/p
Titan ME8 - 1,5b/p
Super ME10 build packs (ME10 comp)
- 3x Aeon 1,25b/p
2 1x Wyvern 990m
Super ME9
5 4x Hel - 700m
- 3x Nyx - 700m
Limited packs!
- 20x Lif - 800m
- 10x Zirnitra BPC packs - 6,5b
(Includes Ship+Gun+3x specialized and all Normal components) 2x Available
2x Aeon build-kit is up on contract!
Good luck on getting them pieces together
Added a Nyx Pack, with an ME10 BPC
Amarr Packs are wanted. Updated numbers
The ME10 Nyx Pack sold. Made a ME9 on request.
One more Avatar sold, made a new one!
Updated to actual stock, please have a look at public contracts as well of you desire is not to post here
Packs are out on publics, not there?
Send me a message here, mail or discord
Updated with the available ME10 Titan BPC!
I want to buy a package for building Hel,both hull bpc and cmps.
Contract to me if want to sell.
1 Like
Thanks for your Purchase, contract is up.
Op updated with available packs