WTS C3 w/ NS Static RedGiant + Athanor + Perfect PI

C3 Wormhole
Red Giant Effect

NullSec static, so mostly calm here.

Bomb Damage: +58%
Heat Damage: +29%
Overload Bonus: +58%
Smart Bomb Damage: +58%
Smart Bomb Range: +58%

PI 9 Planets

2 x Lava
2 x Barren
2 x Temperate
1 x Oceanic
1 x Plasma
1 x Gas

On 4 Planets are own Custom Offices, which also be sold here.

Athanor without Core. Fitted with Bomb Launcher + Missile Launcher and Moon Drill.
Fuel for 3 Weeks + 1 WH closer Praxis

Here or ingame.

2 B


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