WTS C5 Magnetar


Looking to sell a Class 5 Wormhole, Magnetar System effect, C5 (H296) Static

One owner, clean service record, recently irradiated from roaches.

Fortizar and Astrahus equipped, with capitals required to (if you’re skilled) run a Class 5 Anomaly in a single siege cycle.

That’s over 500M per 5m boys. You’d be foolish to leave this alone.

HMU in the coments below for serious inquires. Thanks!


How many accounts would i need for that and which ships would i have to skill?

J code and asking price?

still 4 sale?

Do you still have this for sale?

Please be careful of anyone selling C5 Mags - many are scams, especially by an alt posted one time on the forums ever

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