WTS Capital +Parts BPO

Archon BPO ME8 PE10
Chimera BPO ME8 PE10
Nidhoggur BPO ME8 PE10
Thanatos BPO ME8 PE10

Capital Armor Plates BPO ME10 PE20
Capital Capacitor Battery BPO ME10 PE20
Capital Cargo Bay BPO ME10 PE20
Capital Computer System BPO ME10 PE20
Capital Construction Parts BPO ME10 PE20
Capital Corparate Hanger Bay BPO ME10 PE20
Capital Drone Bay BPO ME10 PE16
Capital Jump Drive BPO ME10 PE16
Capital Sensor Cluster BPO ME10 PE16
Capital Shield Emitter BPO ME8 PE16

If you take all 30B is the Price
PM me Ingame if you intresed
Petra Tak


6b offer for the carrier bpos

Bumb up

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