Cybele 250b - SOLD
Bestla 180b
Minmatar Victory SKIN 8b - SOLD
Located in Jita 4-4
Cybele 250b - SOLD
Bestla 180b
Minmatar Victory SKIN 8b - SOLD
Located in Jita 4-4
you have mail
225b offer on Cybele…
highest bid for Cybele currently is 235bil
160b for Bestla
Sorry, not parting with my Bestla for that ammount.
The current highest bid for the Cybele via Eve-Mail is 240bil.
Cybele sold.
Bestla is still available.
ok mail me whatever your best offer is
165 for bestla rn
Cybele and SKINs sold.
Removing Bestla for now.
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