Draclira’s Modified EM Energized Membrane 6B
Open to sensible offers
Draclira’s Modified EM Energized Membrane 6B
Open to sensible offers
2,25 for both Ahremen’s?
Hi thank you for the offer. I would be willing to go 2.5 for both bud. If this is acceptable please let me.k ow what char to make the contract to.
Amulets 1-6 Sold!
Get your dank purples here!
Drac neut to Bluemelon please for 3.5bn?
Hi Bluemelon,
Thanks for the offer. If you could do 3.8 I would accept that. Last one sold was 4B.
lets say 3.75 and I am happy. Send it to me whenever just ping me here so I know to log in and accept it.
Ok deal. Contract is up to you. Cheers.
Dank purpz for sale.
Few capitals added!
Daily bump.
2b on the 1008?
Meet me in the middle at 2.2?
Daily Bump
I’ll take the 1008 for 2.1
2.2 and its yours
Alright, I’ll take it
Contract up. Cheers.