WTS: Erebus with large rigs

As title says looking to sell a large rigged Erebus, it’s located in the north.


I wish this was in the South so much :frowning:

I mean you could come to the north…

I mean you could bring it to the South…

Where to in the South?

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Camal would be great.

Overpriced. I’ll offer 50b for it.

its large rigged and 50bil is way under capital rigged so thanks for the bump.

Hulls are going for 46/47b right now. 50b is a great offer given that it will be tracked and hunted as soon as it leaves your hands.

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60 bill if you move it to basgerin keepstar

Nah sorry I don’t want to move it or sell it for cheap. Price is always negotiable but I’m not happy with that number. Thanks anyway!

Bump to the top

To the top!

52b current location

65bil and it’s yours.

Bump to the top!

Bump to the top!

i’ll take it for 70 bil if you move it to jita.