WTS Fancy Skins

Looking to sell some skins I have laying around. I have rough prices for them shoot me a mail in game or here if interested they are all in Jita as well.
1x Draugur All-Stars Casino
1x Loki In Rust We Trust
4x Cerberus Vitalshifts
1x Cerberus Zento
2x Confessor Lavacores
7x Cynabal Angel’s Hex
4x Gila Abyssal Afterglow
Sold Nestor Crystal Blast
1x Merlin Zakura Shumyu






Price for the Gila skins?

how much for the Loki skins? best to message me in game “Kevind Galiows”

How much for your remaining inventory?

Don’t quite have an idea for that one feel free to shoot me an offer in game. Not in a rush to sell em though so :).


sold a few gilas rest still there


bumpp one gila, two lokis goneeee

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