WTS Fiend

Close brother

Add 9.99more b and you got a deal friend

this is a super rare ship dudes, idk why you don’t want it, they’ll be 600b+ in a few months just saying :thinking:

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i want it, but for same price i paid for last one(which is 430b) cuz it will end like last one

Will trade for one Kalorr Makur’s Tag, rarest tag ingame for collectors. let me know via eve mail if you like my offer

no ty. if you find someone to buy the tag for 500b i’ll take the 500b and give you the fiend, fair trade if you ask me

woah :open_mouth:
a wild fiend appears, and can be yours for the small price of 499,999,999,999.99 ISK :open_mouth:

still 4 sale btw

still 4 sale btw

a fiend, still for sale it is

sale for fiend is a still


hi bump

x need buyer

I’ll do 475, last one went for 490 but I’m hurting for cash atm

:frowning: Sorry, please hit me up if you find another 25b lying around buddy :slight_smile: <3

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