WTS fully fit Hel, Legacy rigged Nyx & Wyvern in Basgerin


Fully fit hyperspatial Hel http://evepraisal.com/a/iq3i5

Fully fit Legacy rigged Wyvern http://evepraisal.com/a/iq3iu

Fully fit Legacy rigged Nyx http://evepraisal.com/a/iq3jl

Evemail me with offers or reply here, in no rush to sell so I’m not looking for any low-ball offers.

Thanks :slight_smile:





I can offer you 23B for the Nyx :slight_smile:

i’ll have to refuse that offer, but thanks anyway. If you have a reasonable offer let me know :slight_smile:


Are u willing to sell hulls only ?

yeah depending on the price offered :slight_smile:

What would u take for the Hel with rigs and would u sell the nyx BARE with out rigs?

Idk like 18.5b for Hel. and no, i wont be stripping the large rigs off the nyx to sell to you :joy:

Are you online now ?

yes sure am

convo is up



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