WTS Hydras and Tiamats

On behalf of Triumvirate, 3rd place in Alliance Tournament 16, I am opening up sales of the Hydra and the Tiamat, the AT ships for this year.

This will be an extremely limited sale, as such prices are non-negotiable. The ships will be sold on a first come, first served basis. If you do not accept the contract in 1x week, the ships will be sold to the next bidder. As soon as the ships are sold out, I will update this forum post and notify all of the buyers.

The Hydra will be going for 140b.

The Tiamat will be going for 250b.

If you are interested in a trade, please contact me directly in game–we may be able to work something out.

Worst AT ships. your asking about 60bill to much for both

Checkeve mail

check evemail

First of all, congratulations mate :slight_smile:
How can we structure a Caedes trade? Mail me your thoughts as to what you consider to be reasonable if desirable.

How many tiamats do u have in stock? Any discount if i buy more?

I sent a mail ingame :slight_smile:

Still have a few left, send a mail ingame if you’re interested.

Bump. Don’t forget to pick up a piece of history.

you got any spare moracha i need one urgent. How bout caedes trade plus isk for hydra

I poked my dudes about your trade (sorry, meant to mention it to you!) and no one seemed incredibly interested in a Caedes trade, sorry.

And sadly I don’t have a Moracha either, but I do have a few shiny Tiamats :slight_smile:

Been busy, but that doesn’t mean we can’t hook you up with a shiny new Tiamat. Mail me for information.

RE your in game offer to trade Caedes+50B = Hydra is hereby formally declined.

Haha feel free to openly discuss it here, but it was open to negotiation. I’ll pass that on to my teammate.

Thanks for the bump:)

Prices are lowered. If you’re interested in purchasing one, mail me and we can work out a deal :slight_smile:

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