Jita 4-4.

well now I know for fact u are just a troll :ok_hand:


go fly it you panzy

also free bump

oh how i would love to

Bump to the top

exchange for a Tiamat and 100B

Thanks for the offer but im going to decline

Bump to the top

Bump to the top

Hello there

1 Like

Well, its that time again

Bump to the top

Will trade you Chrem for Imp and I will fly it <3

Or just come back and fly with us

What makes you willing to fly the imp but not the chrem?

Already flew the chrem… don’t need to come back to game to fly a ship I’ve already flown

Zzez knows i’ll fly it as I’ve flown my AT ships with him before

This thing still for sale?

100 mil final offer

@Marie_Sky tempting offer to return and fly with you guys, ill have to think on that. Give the peeps my hello :wave:

@Bananaboat_Blues still for sale

@Meta-circular_Evaluator thanks for the bump

@ZZEZ_Murika sent IGmail

replys to mail sent