WTS JITA Trade ALT / 10 year old NPC Corp only / Acct/Brkr V

Here’s the skill board

Has the important Trade skills to V
Has only been in the same NPC corp for 10 years.

Don’t want a ton for him, as I’m not using him anymore.
Make an offer that is worth me paying to transfer him and he’s yours.

3B offer

“Han Jaqobis” If you’re still interested…
Offer Accepted, Send ISK and Account information to this character and I will transfer ASAP.


isk and email have been sent, please check

Character transferred.
You should get an email soon.


Before you next Sale Please make sure that your post contains all the relevant and required data specified by the forum rules. Also, your skillboard link should point directly to the character for sale.

You can find the Rules for selling in this Thread

Toon is in Jita 4/4
Wallet ZERO
No Kill rights
Standings allow travel all of HS without issues.

Skillboard link was very accurate to this character for sale.

ok,Received character

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