WTS mining barge 5 pilot with 5.1m sp


perc/will remapped, has 2 bonus and 1 normal remap available

has +4 implant set.

bids start at 3.1b, will let it run for a few days

This is a bump



3.5b and ready to roll .

I’ll do 3.7b

3.8 B

sold to @DartVeider

send isk/acc info when ready

ISK ready. Will send ISK and account info when you are in NPC corp to avoid misunderstanding and violation CCP rules. You could mail me in game or convo me.

Completely forgot about that, sorry. its fixed now

send when ready

Ok…will send ISK and acc info in a few minutes

ISK and account info have been sent

Character recived! thanks for a quik deal and fly safe!

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