WTS Near Mining Barge / Exhumer Pilot - Price Updated

Hi all,

I’m looking to sell this character.

The character was originally trained to pilot Mining Barges and Exhumers, with minimum waste and focused on maximum mining yield.

Here is a link to her skill-sheet:

Skill-Sheet (Note Unallocated SP)

The character also comes with the following implants and hard-wiring:

Implants & Hard-Wiring (Note These Are Worth 3.8 Billion ISK)

  • Character is in the NPC corporation.
  • Wallet balance is zero.
  • No kill-rights.
  • Located in Jita 4-4.

With a little work, she could fall back into the role she was once trained for.

Buyout: 6.5 Billion ISK.

All CCP rules apply.

Thank you.

5B quotation 0.0

Price has been updated.

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Offering 6bil

I accept your offer.

Please send the ISK and account username to “Eva Kunnisah”.

Once received, I’ll initiate the transfer to your account.

Isk sent


ISK and account username received - thank you.

The transfer has been initiated, so the character should appear on your account in 10 hours.

Please confirm on this thread once you have received the character.

Finally, I wanted to ask you if you are seeking any further mining characters, or if you were just looking for the one?

Many thanks!

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