CLOSED NOT SOLD - WTS 11.7M SP Industry Powerhouse πŸ› οΈ

Hey Industrialists and Market Moguls! :star2:

:wrench: Skill Points: 11.7 million SP
:building_construction: Focus: Industry (build, mine, and profit!)
:round_pushpin: Location: Jita (right in the heart of the action)
:shield: Jump Clones: Securely stashed in high-sec
:lock: Security Status: Positive (fly safe and sound)
:money_with_wings: Wallet: Positive balance (ready for your next big investment)
:arrows_counterclockwise: Remaps: 2 remaps available (optimize your skill path)
:hourglass_flowing_sand: Exhumer: Only 7 days away from Exhumer 5! (Get that perfect mining boost!)
:link: Skillboard Link: Hellen Krieger’s Skillboard

This character is perfect for those looking to take their industrial empire to the next level. With the right skills and a prime location in Jita, you’ll be raking in ISK in no time! :moneybag:

Starting price: 10b

1 Like

I’ll offer you 5B


I’ve sent you an eve-mail.

  • Feawen

replied back

we continue.

My offer for 5B is still on the table

12b buyout

closest by tomorrow i will consider

u cant do a buyout when you post this alrdy [ Buyout: Make an Offer!]

fixed it

7bil ill bid on. Isk ready wont be online for another 5 hrs from this post

no thanks

if anyone offers me 11b today. its yours

What about 8B? ISK is ready and a spot is open. Thank you.

no thank you. will keep now

if you can hold the toon for 2 months i could go higher

the link is down? is selling send me a eve mail if still looking to sell

Still for sale?

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