WTS MoloK in Oijanen’s keepstar (Free port) SOLD

AEON is sold

how much for Molok?

If you want to buy please make an offer

Wyvern is sold

Still for sale.

up again

Still for sale.

whats the general price of a molok

Would love to buy the Molok but Im a bit short on iskies… can do 230b… else I need to wait for more of my indie stuff to sell

how much for the nestor?

youre a few hundred bil short :joy:

That’s a lot of Expanded Cargohold II’s to liquidate.

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Just a few :slight_smile: Could throw in a fitted titan as well with refits :slight_smile:

I think he wants like 900 for the hull

Yes, full+ gear should be 900B

No thank you

Still for sale.

That’s not how this works. You can’t extreme lowball then provide evidence of having the funds to pay the lowball offer.

free bump


Still for sale.