WTS Multiple Characters starter/SP Farm Characters - All Sold (Waiting on plex transfers)

Ill accept the 4b for Luke Skywarrior please send isk and account info and ill start the xfer. This one should be fast as ill just use $20 instead of the plex/petition method as it tends to be slower.

‘Rust Rocket’ might have a chance of transfer failure due to not enough char slot, which was a mistake I made. Reply to this if transfer fails, then I will pick a new account for you.

Thank you

Is there enough slots now? If so I think it will be fine as the petition ticket is still open. Else please send me a new account name and ill update the ticket. Else all 4 transfers may fail as they are all on the same plex transfer/petition ticket.

:joy:I guess ur char will arrive faster that the other guy

I assume that means you do have space on your account now.

Yes the plex transfer process is slower hopefully they fix it so you don’t have to do it via a petition(ticket). :sob:

:joy:the other guy actually started to transfer his char to the last slot of my account, but idk what method he used. Well we will see.

Isk and account sent :slight_smile:

Here the bad news come, Rust Rocket needs to be resend to a new account, info has been sent to the char, sry for the inconvenient.:disappointed_relieved:

isk and deets sent for riddick

@Misaka_Rin_Peter I have updated the petition with the new character account. This will probably delay the transfer as I dont know how far along they were.


Transfer Character

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Luke Skywarrior

Will be completed after: 7/5/2018 9:43:35 AM


The transfers for the character have been initiated the petition ticket to transfer these via plex have been submitted and the ticket number is #747896

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She is sold:) but ty

Hows the petition going? Still no email received.

Was Riddick sent?

Still waiting on the GM followed up with them again just now. I think because one of Misaka’s accounts was full the ticket got slowed down as I had to send a new account

Ill give it a couple more days and if still nothing i may just pay real money for the transfers and take back the plex. Maybe that is their plan to get more real life money out of us lol:)

Ive had that alot lol. I could believe that.

Good evening GM informed me all transfers are complete. Please let me know if there is any problem.


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4bil for octane