WTS Multiple Tech II Large Ammo BPO

WTS a fantastic array of Large ammo BPO:

Tremor L
Spike L
Quake L
Javelin L
Hail L

All available in high sec near to Jita.

I am open to offers for all, or individual offers.

Minimum bid for each BPO (individual or group offer) is 100B per BPO.
I reserve the right to not sell one or all BPO, if the offer does not meet my expectation.
Minimum bid increment is 5bill.

I will keep the advert open throughout February 2025 until acceptable offers are agreed, otherwise the advert will close on 00:00 March 1 2025.

Fly safe o7.

500 bil for the lot or 100 bil each

Zahara Cody remains the current top bidder.

Not really. It is a fake bid. I contracted him a Quake L bpo for 100b and he didn’t accept.

There is also one on public contracts for 93b

Trying to steal peoples sales, eh. Have you tried getting another alt to accept your public contract. Maybe that will conjure up some real bids so you can finally sell it.

hahahaha bit of misdirection there I see. This isn’t about me :slight_smile:

Ok Chilil, pernicious

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Please use this thread for bids only.