WTS myself great pilot 84m sp

great combat pilot for your elite pvp needs.
http://eveboard.com/pilot/Senior_Engineer PW:ECF
skill highlights are:

  • perfect armor · 11 skills trained to level 5, for a total of 6,912,000 skillpoints.

  • T2 sentry/heavy/fighter ready/medium and small.

  • T2 triage

  • perfect engineering 14 skills trained to level 5, for a total of 8,448,000 skillpoints.

  • T2 capital lazer gun ready, training to T2 siege.

  • JDC5, nearly perfect missile supports.

  • perfect shield 6 skills trained to level 5, for a total of 3,072,000 skillpoints.

  • Logi 5/ cg Cruiser 5/ Gallent carrier 5, perfect confessor and can fly a transport.

starting bid is 82bil
b/o surprise me.
auction lasts for at most a month. i have time, low baller will be ignored.

sale will be handled by ‘skynono’ , please mail all offers to her or post below.

happy bidding.

confirm im handling this sale.

65 bil…

i know it’s not the starting price you’re asking for but it’s how much the pilot is worth… otherwise you’ll be waiting 'til the cows come home

1 Like

68 bil

bump bump

68.5 bil

68.8 bil

69 bil

69.5 bil

500m increament, bump


bump for eu prime

euro bumping


bump for the greatest country in the world

bump for euro

bump, price lowered

bump for murica

hey bump

bump dd