WTS: Nyx Police Skin 4.5b (below market price!) & "Uncommon" Skins

Hello All,

Selling some expensive and not-so-expensive skins, take a look and if you are interested post below or message me! Lower then Jita price on all of them!

Nyx Federal Police Skin - 4.5b

"Uncommon"/More Reasonably Priced Skins -

Revelation Sarum - SOLD
Minokawa Matigu - 150m
Naglfar Justice - 50m
Rorqual Digmaster - 80m
Rhea Raata Sunset - 125m
Thanatos Serpentis - SOLD

Apocalypse Khanid - 125m
Megathron Ruby - 100m

Hulk Lodestrike - 300m
Noctis Lodestrike - 250m

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Updated Nyx Police and Revelation Sarum prices as they were a bit off

To the top!

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to the top!

to the top!

To the top!

To the top!

Naglfar justice and Noctis lodestrike please.

Contract up, thanks for the purchase!

Thank you. My nag will look smexy.

Certainly the ship in EvE that most deserves to look smexy. More available if you have alts or friends who are also interested :slight_smile:

To the top! Look awesome today (or tomorrow!)

To the top!

To the top!

Get your skins and look sexy for the new war!

To the top!

To the top!

To the top!

Dropped you a message in game on this toon (Ikuorai --> justicebarrel)

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Replied, thanks :slight_smile: