WTS: Nyx Police Skin 4.5b (below market price!) & “Uncommon” Skins

Hello All,

As the title says selling a Nyx Federal Police Skin for 4.5b and other not-so-expensive skins, take a look and if you are interested post below or message me! All located in Jita 4-4 and lower then Jita price.

Nyx Federal Police Skin - 4.5b (only 1 left!)

"Uncommon"/More Reasonably Priced Skins -

Minokawa Matigu - 150m
Rhea Raata Sunset - 125m

Megathron Ruby - 100m

Hulk Lodestrike - 275m
Noctis Lodestrike - 250m

to the top!

Closed at OP’s polite request.

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