WTS Unit P-343554’s Modified Damage Control - 12b
Also selling the web below for 1.5 bil. - SOLD
WTS Unit P-343554’s Modified Damage Control - 12b
Also selling the web below for 1.5 bil. - SOLD
Bumping, still have this module for sale
Bumping again, also added an abyssal stasis web
Bumping, the above are still for sale!
The two items are still for sale!
Bumping once more, need these items sold!
Yet another bump!
The two modules are still for sale, DCU for 12 bil and web for 1.5 b
Web has been sold, damage control still for sale!!
Yet another bump, still looking for a proper buyer
Hello, Taylor Swift from the sky here praising this module as the new album. Please buy
Damage control still for sale, whoever buys doesn’t buy gets blueballs, so buy the blue DCU -_-
Stilll looking to sell this DCU for 12b
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