WTS Officer mods

Setele’s Modified Power Diagnostic System - 3.2b [sold]
Vepas’ Modified EM Ward Amplifier - 500m [sold]
Vepas’ Modified Thermal Dissipation Amplifier - 500m [sold]
Ahremen’s Modified Capacitor Power Relay - 2b obo

Vepas’ Modified EM Ward Amplifier - 500m
Vepas’ Modified Thermal Dissipation Amplifier - 500m
Ahremen’s Modified Capacitor Power Relay - 2b

Still for sale. Accepting offers.

Would you take 900m for those together?

Yep. I’ll contract them in Jita 4-4 when I get off work. 10 hours.

Ahremen’s Modified Capacitor Power Relay still for sale, 2b accepting offers. Get this for your Cap stable AFK ratting VNI.

Not 4 Sale, contract up.

Ahremen’s Modified Capacitor Power Relay is all that remains, Price reduced to 1.5b

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