I am selling the location of 4 moons with R16 material. All moons are located in the same system. The location is a quiet lowsec system (low traffic, a few astrahus), 2 jumps from highsec and less than 10 jumps from one of the major trade hubs. None of the moons is occupied.
The composition of the moons is (ore/quantity/rarity):
moon 1:
- Opulent Pyroxeres / 0.2129459232
- Otavite / 0.1765950173 / R16
- Sylvite / 0.1566288918
- Vanadinite / 0.4538301528 / R16
moon 2:
- Flawless Arkonor / 0.2940437198
- Resplendant Kernite / 0.2632652819
- Titanite / 0.1158476695
- Vanadinite / 0.3268433213 / R16
moon 3:
- Chromite / 0.3643240333 / R16
- Cubic Bistot / 0.2019743174
- Flawless Arkonor / 0.219098717
- Stable Veldspar / 0.2146029323
moon 4:
- Chromite / 0.09686934948 / R16
- Opulent Pyroxeres / 0.3878169656
- Pellucid Crokite / 0.3033095002
- Titanite / 0.2120041996
Screenshots of the scans can be provided upon request.
The price is 2 bil. Transaction should be handled by an established 3rd party. I am happy to answer any additional questions.