WTS Ragnarok & Vendetta

WTS the following two ships

Vendetta with Capital Trimarks
Ragnarok Got capital trimarks or Core extenders laying around if you want them.

Make me an offer on forums or ingame.

You can also trade your AT ship with me :slight_smile:

you want to sell a rag AND amamake?

damn m8 send me a mail for the price

Seems like topic didn’t update correctly, thanks.


80b offer for Vendetta

75 offer vendetta


how much for each. evemail me ur price

Will be able to sell the Ragnarok for current lowest contract price.
Vendetta minimum of 160bil.

bump :slight_smile:

Bump, both ships still for sale.



Still for sale, pm me or post here :slight_smile:

wtb buyer <3


85 for vendetta

That’s a good one my friend.

Thanks :stuck_out_tongue: how much is it actually worth