WTS rorg - Trade Complete, Please Close

waiting for your suggestions)
minimum - 39b
b/o -40b

UP :wink:

I’m waiting for suggestions from maniacs miners) :laughing:

33 bil here

35 bil

36b offer

38 bil

38.5b offer

39 bil

UP :upside_down_face:

the best character in the world is for sale) :wink: :grin:

40b final (retracted)

the offer is accepted. waiting for payment and information to transfer the character. :wink:

Can you confirm your highest order?

do you want to offer more than 40b?

Best I can offer is 37

the minimum price 40b(

UP :wink:

where is the rich person who will buy this very good and kind character) :grin:

37.5bil ready