WTS Skins, seller is poor and need ur isk

Price negotiable but looking for around 80-90% jita sell

Leviathan Redclaw Sable SKIN 1
Obelisk Redclaw Sable SKIN 1
Bhaalgorn Redclaw Sable SKIN 1
Phantasm Redclaw Sable SKIN 1
Stratios Redclaw Sable SKIN 1
Garmur Redclaw Sable SKIN 1
Erebus Luminaire Rising SKIN 1
Nyx Luminaire Rising SKIN 1
Thanatos Luminaire Rising SKIN 1
Pacifier Luminaire Rising SKIN 1
Revelation Navy Issue Heartsurge SKIN 1
Hel Sebiestor SKIN 1
Golem Kaalakiota SKIN 1
Kronos serpentis SKIN 1
Megathron Quafe SKIN 1
Jackdaw Octopus Red Flight SKIN 1
Manticore Wiyrkomi SKIN 1
Gila Aurora Universalis SKIN 1
Nestor Friendship League SKIN 1

bump, op is poor need monaaay


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