WTS Sp 38m PVP+Logi

Skillpoints: 38,242,108
Security Status: -0.107566177
no kill rights
no assets

Legion,Bombers,kiki,Occator,mjd destroyed
Logistics Cruisers 5
Gallente Cruiser 5
Electronic Attack Ships 5

Starting bid: 33b
Increments of 1b
ending 14.08.2023 11 EveTime

HI… 33 B B/O

34b Waiting for a reply

35B offer

37b Waiting for a reply

Hi, good bet. I’m waiting a couple of days and we’ll finish the auction

more bets?

38 B/O


ending 14.08.2023 11 EveTime


accepted 38, transfer money and provide account name

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