[WTS] T2 BPO Copies

Selling off old stock of T2 BPO copies.

85x Anathema - 10/20 - 1 Run - 4,6m
85x Manticore - 10/20 - 1 Run - 5m

200 Medium Cap Booster - 10/20 - 10 Runs - 900k
441 Small Cap Booster - 10/20 - 10 Runs - 1,5m
219 Shield Recharger - 10/20 - 10 Runs - 500k
467 Small Focused Pulse Laser - 10/20 - 10 Runs - 750k
169 425mm Autocannon - 10/20 - 10 Runs - 1,8m
440 Medium Shield Booster - 10/20 - 10 Runs - 1m
440 Small Shield Booster - 10/20 - 10 Runs - 500k

Buy all for 3b!

Edit: Location: 1j from Jita, NPC Station

Going up!
Create your own T2 stock!

Going up!
Great for your Null-Sec needs!

Going up!

Going up

Going Up

Going up

Going up

Going up

Going up!

Going up

Going up

Going up!

Going up

Going up

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