WTS Trader,Indy,Refine char 36m SP


Fly T2 transport ship,Freighter
–Nice trade skills
–Cybernetic 5
–Not bad support skills

B/o 30b

27 bil

28 bil

Thx guys, but min bid 30b.Still waiting

Daily bump

Daily bump. Still waiting new home

Still waiting

Bump. Add b/o

Daily bump

29b offered, bid good for 24h

30b and send acc info

OK. End this. B/o decreases to 30b

29b is the best I can do. Lmk if you want to take it.

Daily bump

bump.still waiting

B/o reduced to 29bil

I am good for my 28b

OK. Send ISK and acc info

My 29b bid is still good…

Send ISK and acc info.accepted 29b